Monday, May 19, 2014

To Mulch or To Munch - That IS the Question!

So, a few days ago, I got a major craving for salad. Just a nice, fresh, herbaceous salad. Our fridge was stocked with Romaine lettuce, celery and cucumber, but I felt the need to liven what would be an otherwise boring  salad.

It has finally decided to settle into springtime here in New England. The weather was nice, and I have been spotting many wild edibles on our property since the warmer weather has come. We live on 5 acres, and about 3/4 acre is cleared; the rest is heavily wooded. It makes for a veritable smorgasbord of greens, flowers, and berries!

**I should note here that I have been studying up on wild edibles, both online and in many various books I have in my library, for a few years now. The things I identify as edible are things I either grew up eating or are things I have confirmed in multiple sources as being edible, and am 100% positive they are safe. DO NOT go out and randomly eat plants you find just because they may look similar to what I post! Do your own research, use multiple sources, and if you have ANY doubts whatsoever - DO NOT EAT IT!!! Your health is worth more than any foraging finds!**

Now, as i was saying, Bella and I went for a leisurely walk around our yard (15 to 20 minutes or so), and brought back a tasty treasure of things to add to the romaine salad:

(T to B, L to R) 
Wild Violet leaves, Partridgeberries, Plantain, unripe Dandelion flower heads, 
Wild Violets, Dandelion leaves, Hen-bit, and Wild Onions. 

The unripe dandelion flower heads did not go into the salad - I found several sources online that say you can brine and use them as capers. I plan on giving that a try and letting you know how it works! Everything else was washed, roughly chopped (except the violets - I candied them), and added to the salad bowl, and tossed with the store bought greens and some shredded cheddar.

It turned out great - even John, who skeptically eyed it and asked if I was SURE everything was safe to eat, enjoyed it and finished every bit of his.


Just a tasty tidbit from Day 2: 

In having the leftover salad for lunch the following day, I discovered that adding feta cheese and a blush wine vinaigrette to this is absolutely phenomenal.

The New Face of Patriotism

I rarely discuss politics on my blog - not because I am not strongly opinionated on the subject (FAR from it) - but rather because I realize that we all tend to have different view points and don't feel the need to mix cooking and DIY household cleaners with heated debates. Those of you who know me personally, however, know that I am an American Patriot who loves my country (albeit, my government scares the hell out of me), it's history, its freedoms and rights afforded to citizens, and am proud to call myself an American. So, that being said, my brother recently sent me a picture I felt compelled to share. I firmly believe, regardless of which "side" you may fall into, we can all agree on one thing:

it is BADASS! 

I mean, what is more patriotic than Ronald Regan with an RPG strapped to his back, riding a flag-waving Velociraptor? Or George Washington, adorned in part period-correct militia uniform / part star-spangled hammer pants, taking out a herd of zombies? Honest Abe, the Emancipator, atop a flag-saddled bear, or Teddy and his "Big Stick" taking down Sasquatch? And, in the center of it all......the majestic eagle sees all and stares back with an approving "HELL YEAH" look.When I opened my email and saw this image, I was so filled with pride, I almost shed a tear. Of course, I was laughing so hard, I almost peed a little, so there is that too! I hope you enjoy(ed) it as much as I do!