I rarely discuss politics on my blog - not because I am not strongly opinionated on the subject (FAR from it) - but rather because I realize that we all tend to have different view points and don't feel the need to mix cooking and DIY household cleaners with heated debates. Those of you who know me personally, however, know that I am an American Patriot who loves my country (albeit, my government scares the hell out of me), it's history, its freedoms and rights afforded to citizens, and am proud to call myself an American. So, that being said, my brother recently sent me a picture I felt compelled to share. I firmly believe, regardless of which "side" you may fall into, we can all agree on one thing:
it is BADASS!
I mean, what is more patriotic than Ronald Regan with an
RPG strapped to his back, riding a flag-waving Velociraptor? Or George
Washington, adorned in part period-correct militia uniform / part
star-spangled hammer pants, taking out a herd of zombies? Honest Abe,
the Emancipator, atop a flag-saddled bear, or Teddy and his "Big Stick"
taking down Sasquatch? And, in the center of it all......the majestic
eagle sees all and stares back with an approving "HELL YEAH" look.When I opened my email and saw this image, I was so filled with pride, I almost shed a tear. Of course, I was laughing so hard, I almost peed a little, so there is that too! I hope you enjoy(ed) it as much as I do!
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